30 minsBake
This recipe will provide you with twelve delicious cranberry scones filled with a sweet clementine jam.

To make the scones
Heat the oven to 180c fan Gas Mark 7. Mix the baking powder and sugar into the flour
Rub in the butter until it resembles fine breadcrumbs
Mix in the cranberries, add the milk and vanilla extract.
Mould mixture together into a large ball and roll on a floured surface to approx. 4cm in thickness use a 5cm fluted or plain cutter for cutting out the scones you will need to re roll the dough and repeat until used up.
Brush the tops with beaten egg arrange on a baking tray and bake for approx. 15mins
Serve with Clotted cream and the delicious homemade Clementine Jam.
To make the jam
Blitz the Clementine’s in a food processor for around 30 seconds, at which point there should be some small particulates evident.
Place in a pan and simmer for 5 minutes, then add the lemon juice, finely shredded ginger, syrup and sugar and simmer for approx. 20 minutes, the jam is ready when it reaches 105c on a jam thermometer or probe. It will also have turned thicker in consistency if you don’t have either of these.
Pour into two sterilised glass jars and label.
Cover with circles of baking parchment to keep fresh. Once cooled seal the lids tightly.
For the cranberry scones

Self raising flour

Baking powder


Caster sugar

Dried cranberries


Vanilla Extract

Beaten, to glaze
For the clementine and ginger jam


Peeled, fresh

Lyle’s Golden Syrup

Tate & Lyle Granulated Sugar


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